01/09/2016 | Blog, Child Support, Custody, Divorce
Divorce in Poland is a type of case reserved for a jurisdiction of District Courts that hear cases in first instance, according to article 17 pt. 1 Civil Procedure Code (further as CPC). On the basis of article 47 § 2 pkt 2 letter a of CPC these cases are heard by one...
18/04/2016 | Blog, Child Support, Custody, Division of joint property, Divorce, Parental authority, Separation
Divorce proceedings often last many months. As previously mentioned in the article “Divorce – where to start?” in this proceeding many issues relating to the spouses and minor children of the parties are resolved. Securing claims in divorce...
31/03/2016 | Child Support, Custody, Divorce, Parental authority, Separation
The matter of passports and hence the issue a passport to a minor child is regulated by the Act of 13 July 2006 on the passport documents. According to the article 3 of this Act every Polish citizen has the right to obtain a passport. Deprivation or restriction of...
04/01/2016 | Child Support, Custody, Divorce, Parental authority, Separation
Parental plan is an institution of family law, which according to article 107 of Family and Guardianship Code is a condition of leaving the parental authority to both parents who live separately. Under that provision, the parental plan should be made in the written...
22/12/2015 | Blog, Child Support, Custody, Divorce, Parental authority, Separation
Cases of regulating how parental authority is to be exercised is an example of a family proceedings that may be initiated both upon request and ex officio. Parental authority may be the subject to judicial proceedings only in relation to minor children, and the court...